362 12 years ago
LIVE recording of my set following on from Gregori Klosman's guest set..enjoy the beats...xxx


Dj Nikki Flame
Dj Nikki Flame

Verve - Pandemic, Verve - Infectious out soon on Mind Burst Music (Proton Music) started up and solely run by Trim The Fat...an awesome producer who also has some amazing new releases out on the label too...I will be bringing you lots more of these HOT techy edged progressive beats....enjoy xxx


hi nikki, its me patrick linnane, back with new mix for dj ebo to listen to, had so many problems uploading this beast, that my hair went grey.

Anyway, heres my first progtech techno mix...u can hear some tracks are skipping cos of the loud bass, and i had the levels down low mind. DO ENJOY GINGER hehehehe


Dj Supertramp
Dj Supertramp

Constructive criticism stumbled upon your page and noticed you are a fellow Scot so here goes the mix started off pretty boring then some kind of intro jinglesque type thing and you seem to be scared of lowering the mic to say what you have to say trying to erratically cover any silence with fader movement the mix got better about 3 quarts way through and you aren't projecting your voice enough peace out criticism is all good

Dj Nikki Flame
Dj Nikki Flame

Hi Dj Supertramp...hehe well the start of the mix was actually Gregori Klosman's...mix But I don't suppose he cares he's too bust touring worldwide...and as for being scared to whatever you meant ...I don't lower anything the mic level was prob a tad low...on my mixer...but I will defo look at that for my FM radio show and 4 other online radio show...I'll defo keep working on my mic skills...as far as the mix well it's all personal choice re@ tracks I have listened to your recent mix and it seems you want to be liked so going for all the top download mush that is on beatport etc...your perogative...I personally enjoy progressive mixes and so do my listeners prefer the shows mixed that way too not chopped up all over the place for effect on 'Dirty' vocals..everywhere...don't mind the odd good one dropped in...so, appreciate the feedback...it's all good as you say and I will defo be watching my projection skills in the future..:-) xxxxxxxxxxx
